For the past several years, a small group of sustainability-minded members of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church have been working to help the congregation operate more sustainably. Go Green Park Ridge Members Cindy Grau and Carol Becker are part of this energetic team along with Jeff Greve and Jim Pearson. It’s a matter of Christian stewardship to reduce waste and save money for more charitable purposes. Here are a few examples that Go Green Park Ridge would like to recognize the St Luke’s Green Team for:
St Luke’s has a sustainable perennial garden managed by Master Gardeners. This group has become the go-to people for all things related to managing the grounds sustainably. Additionally, one year ago, a major drainage project was undertaken to ensure that all rainwater on the property is managed on-site with tiling, French drains and a rain garden. St Luke’s held a Bike to Church Sunday that eventually led to the installation of new bike racks adjacent to the parking lot. These ensure bike safety while more and more members begin to think about biking to church anytime the weather is good. The bike racks were made possible by memorial donations from members who are not on the committee, but still want to support Green Team projects. Sustainability efforts also extend to larger community events! St. Luke’s is the host to Sunday Night Suppers prepared and served on a rotating basis by many congregations in the community. The St Luke’s Green Team has recently made an impact on this weekly project by developing and implementing a composting program. Thanks to the cooperation of everyone who works on the supper service, the weekly meal has reduced its waste from several garbage cans full to only a few small bags of trash each week. Everything else, including eating utensils, plates, cups and food is composted with Collective Resource, Inc.
Park Ridge:Take a look at what your neighbors are doing for Park Ridge sustainability! Archives
December 2024