Lincoln Middle School librarian, Denise Reeder, has been shepherding the Lincoln Seed Library for a number of years since founder, Lauren Maloney, left her position at the library for a new job. The library “checks out” seeds to the community and asks for seeds in return when harvest comes in. They also grow dozens of varieties of seedlings to give out to the community for free.
This job is not in the librarian’s job description but Denise finds time to take on the many tasks associated with running the program as a service to the community. She does it all—from ordering, packaging and potting seeds, to updating the website, growing seedlings, distributing orders to the community, and receiving contributions. Unfortunately for us (but fortunately for her), Denise will be retiring at the end of this year. We are thankful that this program has had passionate overseers since 2014. We hope it finds another home when Denise leaves. Thank you for your generosity in taking on this project, Denise. Happy Retirement and keep growing!!!
Park Ridge:Take a look at what your neighbors are doing for Park Ridge sustainability! Archives
December 2024