Erick Huck, Pak Ridge Park District
MLA, PLA, ASLA Facilities and Parks Planner [email protected] Do you see important connection with the role you play in the Park District and our future on this planet? Would you like others in our community to know more about your efforts? “Yes! My efforts with the Park Ridge Park District to establish native natural areas, restore a vibrant urban forest, and utilize native plant materials are part of a global effort to design a built environment that is inclusive of natural systems. The positive impacts of small design moves like utilizing native plants in our parks can:
At a global-scale, our myriad local impacts can promote positive change. By showing that sustainable buildings and landscapes are also aesthetically beautiful, I hope others in our community and throughout the Greater Chicagoland Area are inspired. Together, we can set an example and design a better environment for future generations.”
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Park Ridge:Take a look at what your neighbors are doing for Park Ridge sustainability! Archives
December 2024