Rain Barrels offer solutions to landscaping and storm water management issuesGo Green Park Ridge is offering free onsite consultations for installation of your rain barrels!
Email [email protected] to set up an appointment for your rain barrel placement. |
How to install a rain barrel
“You don’t know the value of water until the well is running dry.”
Besides helping the environment, an obvious reason for harvesting rainwater is to save money. You can collect a substantial amount of rainwater with a simple system. This extra water can have a significant impact on your water bill. One of the best reasons to start harvesting rainwater with rain barrels is that if you teach and encourage others to do the same, you will help to spread the culture of rainwater collection and in turn help your larger community and the environment. It is always important to remember that every living thing on the planet needs water to survive so we as humans must expand our idea of community to the plants and animals that surround us.